HPC News Items

Rachel’s Journey of Empowerment at Hillcrest Platte County

Facing the challenging reality of her husband’s return to alcohol, Rachel made the brave decision to file for divorce. With two young sons to protect and a desire for a safer, more stable future, Rachel sought refuge and support at Hillcrest Platte County (HPC).

Upon entering the HPC program, Rachel set ambitious goals for herself: pay off debt, save money, and secure a place of her own. Through sheer determination and the resources provided by HPC, Rachel not only achieved but surpassed these objectives. With a Master’s degree in hand, which she had obtained previous to entering the program, and a fulfilling job, Rachel has paved the way for a brighter future for herself and her sons.

The success doesn’t end there. Now settled in her own apartment, Rachel plans to give back to HPC by offering parenting classes to future participants.