Alone We Can Do So Little.
Together We Can Do so Much.
-Helen Keller
Thrift Donations
Your Thrift shop donations allow us to serve the community and our residents.
Make Contribution
Your generosity provides a hand up to the working homeless. Financial contributions, pantry items, and thrift shop donations are invaluable to the mission.
Volunteer at Thrift
Volunteers are needed to receive donations, sort goods, tag clothes, arrange donations, cashier, greet shoppers, and HAVE FUN!
Volunteer at Housing
Volunteers are needed to be prayer partners, nurturers, encouragers, mentors, budget counselors and skilled volunteers to help us with work days.
Gift Cards
Gift Card donations such as QT, Hy-Vee, and Wal-Mart help our residents with everyday necessities such as gas, groceries, and toiletries.